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Home Service

Botox Injection: Welcome

Discover the ultimate in luxury and convenience with our home service treatments for cosmetic injections, available exclusively in Central London.


Choose from a selection of specialised treatments including Antiwrinkle injections, Dermal Fillers, Fat Dissolving injections, and more, all administered by our skilled professionals.


Whether you seek to smooth out fine lines, enhance facial contours, or dissolve stubborn fat pockets, we offer tailored solutions to fulfill your aesthetic desires.


Booking your appointment is a breeze. Simply submit your request online, and our dedicated staff will promptly contact you to arrange a convenient time and location.


Experience personalised care and discretion with our home service treatments, where luxury meets convenience in the heart of London.


Unveil your natural beauty from the comfort of your own home with our premier cosmetic injection services.

Book a Service



How does the home service work?

Our home service allows you to enjoy our cosmetic injection treatments in the comfort of your own home in Central London. Simply submit a booking request online, and our staff will coordinate with you to schedule an appointment at your preferred time and location.

Which areas in Central London do you cover?

Currently, we provide our home service treatments within Central London. Whether you reside in Westminster, Kensington, Chelsea, Battersea or any other central area, we strive to accommodate your location for a seamless experience.

What types of cosmetic injections do you offer through the home service?

We offer a range of cosmetic injections, including Antiwrinkle injections, Dermal Fillers, Fat Dissolving injections, and more. Our skilled professionals will discuss your goals during the consultation and recommend the most suitable treatment for you.​

Is the home service safe and hygienic?

Yes, absolutely. We adhere to strict safety and hygiene protocols to ensure a safe and comfortable experience for our clients. Our staff members are trained professionals who follow all necessary precautions, including sterilization of equipment and maintaining cleanliness throughout the procedure.

Can I book a group appointment for home service treatments?

Yes, group appointments are possible depending on availability and the specific treatments requested. Please inform us of your requirements when submitting your booking request, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

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