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(Platelet Rich Plasma)

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Cellenis® PRP

A Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) face treatment, also known as a Vampire facial, is an advanced skin treatment which is great for skin rejuvenation. It’s a treatment which uses your own blood platelets to stimulate new cell growth, helping to improve your complexion and skin texture.


PRP is an established injection therapy to enhance tissue regeneration. PRP therapy is an excellent treatment that uses a small amount of your own blood to stimulate the production of collagen and new skin cells.

Cellenis® PRP For Scalp

PRP for Scalp is a revolutionary treatment to rejuvenate and revitalise your hair from within. PRP, or Platelet-Rich Plasma, harnesses the natural healing power of your body's own platelets to stimulate hair growth and improve hair health.

During the Cellenis PRP procedure, a small sample of your blood is drawn and processed to extract the platelet-rich plasma. This potent solution is then injected into the scalp, targeting areas of thinning hair or hair loss.


The growth factors and proteins found in PRP work to nourish hair follicles, promote hair growth, and improve overall scalp health.



The benefits of Cellenis PRP for Scalp are manifold. Not only does it stimulate hair growth and increase hair density, but it also strengthens existing hair, reduces hair thinning, and improves the overall quality of your hair. Additionally, Cellenis PRP is a safe and minimally invasive treatment, with little to no downtime, making it suitable for individuals seeking natural hair restoration without the need for surgery or harsh chemicals.


Experience the transformative power of Cellenis PRP for Scalp and reclaim thicker, healthier hair with confidence. 

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Cellenis® PRP For Scalp

PRP Treatments


Helpful Information


What is a PRP face treatment?

PRP face therapy are skincare treatments that have rapidly swept the beauty industry, becoming many people’s go-to procedure for a quick and lasting beauty pick-me-up.

PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma: a natural resource which can be extracted from the blood and used for topical cell regeneration. PRP facials make use of these naturally occurring healing properties to bring back youth and radiance to the face.

PRP face treatment are replenishing, nutrient-rich treatments, designed to make use of the body’s own natural resources and incredible capacity for healing. Using absolutely no artificial materials whatsoever, PRP face treatment are fantastic for both subdermal tissue repair, and surface concerns such as crow’s feet, dark circles, sun damage, acne scarring and obtrusive pores.

What is the process of PRP?
  • We will take a sample of blood, the average sample size of a routine blood test.

  • The blood is then placed in a centrifuge for a few minutes and spun at high speed.

  • A sterile syringe is used to withdraw only the PRP (platelet rich plasma) from the sample.

  • The plasma and serum are extracted and then re-injected back into the client’s skin, which has previously been cleansed numbed using topical anaesthetic.

The whole procedure only involves needle injections to the desired areas, requires virtually no healing time and also reduces possible side effects to a minimum. 

What are the advantages of PRP Face treatment?
  • PRP face treatment uses your own natural resources, minimising the risk of side effects and allergic reactions.

  • Natural collagen production typically reduces or eliminates lines, folds and wrinkles in a gentle process with little or no swelling, bruising or lumping.

  • The organic nature of the procedure is ideal for those who wish to avoid synthetic products and processes.

  • PRP therapy is non-gender-specific, so both men and women are able to benefit and enjoy a natural, more youthful look.

  • PRP face treatment require no surgical interventions.

  • The improvement to the skin’s appearance after PRP treatment is subtle and natural, with lasting results.

How Does PRP for scalp and hair restoration work?
  • Injection: The PRP is injected directly into the scalp in areas where hair thinning or hair loss is present. The injections are strategically administered to target specific areas of concern.

  • Hair Follicle Stimulation: The growth factors and proteins present in the PRP solution work to nourish and stimulate hair follicles, promoting new hair growth and improving the overall health of existing hair.

  • Healing and Regeneration: PRP encourages the body's natural healing processes, stimulating cellular regeneration and collagen production in the scalp tissue. This helps to strengthen hair follicles, increase hair density, and improve scalp health.

How many treatments do I need?

Generally, an initial series of 3 to 4 treatments performed at monthly intervals is recommended to kickstart hair growth and achieve noticeable improvements in hair density and quality. After the initial series, maintenance treatments may be recommended every 6 to 12 months to sustain and enhance the results over time.

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