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Cellulite Reduction

An ideal treatment targeting unwanted toxins in the body to break down the fatty deposits we call cellulite. We use 3D Lipo Ultimate Pro technology with to improve the appearance of cellulite by enhancing and stimulating blood circulation, oxygenation and lymphatic drainage. Even though this treatment will decrease the cellulite it will also provide an instant lift, tone and contour the area providing a smooth and tighter appearance.

What causes Cellulite?
  • Cellulite is a skin condition that effects 99.9% of women, usually in the lower part of the body

  • Why – numerous hormonal changes a woman’s body undergoes; including premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy, menopause, puberty, even taking birth control pills, lifestyle changes and age

  • Hormones help regulate lymphatic drainage, blood flow, connective tissue and fat, which all contribute to the development of cellulite.

  • This condition has less to do with weight and more with skin elasticity, fat cells and hormones. Cellulite occurs in women of all shapes and sizes, not just overweight women, as has been commonly believed.

  • While diet and exercise can impact some areas affected by cellulite, many parts of the body are immune. The appearance of cellulite can be exasperated by not drinking enough water, weight gain and bad eating habits.

  • Finally, as the body ages, skin loses elasticity, tone and thickness, which results in more pronounced cellulite.

Does 3D-Lipo Ultimate Pro, work for removing Cellulite?

In a word – YES! There have been a number of scientific studies to confirm the effectiveness of 3D-Lipo Pro in reducing cellulite. Look at our before and after gallery to see the results for yourself.

How many cellulite treatments do I need?

A course of 4-8 sessions with the frequency of once per week is recommended before a re-assessment. We highly recommend booking in for your free consultation to talk about your realistic expectations with one of our experts.

Am I suitable for treating Cellulite?

3D Lipo Ultimate Pro is safe to use on all skin types. Even those with little excessive fat can utilise 3D Lipo Pro for its cellulite reduction, body contouring and muscle toning effects. We highly recommend booking in for your free consultation to talk about your realistic expectations with one of our experts.

What is the downtime for Cellulite Treatment?

3D Lipo Ultimate Pro has minimal downtime and you will be able to go about your day to day business as usual. Mild redness in the treated area is to be expected immediately post-treatment, but this reduces quickly.

What is the aftercare for Cellulite treatment?

Following the treatment, you should aim to drink around 2 litres of water throughout the day and minimise alcohol consumption. A brisk walk or gym session following the treatment will also help to enhance the results.

Much like any other fat loss programme, results will also be dependant on maintaining a healthy balanced diet and undertaking regular exercise. We would recommend 3 to 5 exercise sessions per week.


Thigh Gap Treatment

Using Duo 3D-Cryotherapy to target stubborn fat we can sculpt and shape the inner thighs.


This treatment specifically targets the fat cells on the inner thigh area. By lowering the temperature to -8 degrees we are able to destroy 20-40% of the fat cells in this area. No other structures are affected by this process. The destroyed fat cells are then disposed of naturally through the body’s lymphatic system.


Our Signature Package goes one step further by including 4 x Shockwave Therapy sessions at weekly intervals in order to accelerate the removal process. By doing so you will see results from your Thigh Gap Treatment within 6 to 8 weeks.


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Bingo Wings Treatment

Our Bingo Wings Signature package uses a bespoke approach combining Electro and Duo-Cryotherapy, Radio Frequency for skin tightening and Shockwave therapy for lymphatic drainage.


The inital treatment involves Duo Cryo Freeze to destroy 20-40% of the fat cells. Weekly treatments thereafter will involve a combination of therapies including Radio Frequency to further reduce fat, and tighten the skin in this common problem area.  Shockwave Therapy will also be included to encourage lymphatic drainage and to accelerate and speed up your results. 


This is a course of 8 treatments taken at weekly intervals. 

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Non-Surgical Bum Lift

Our Non-Surgical Bum Lift consists of 8 treatments at weekly intervals. You will benefit from a tighter, lifted and more contoured behind, with improved firmness, toned and smooth skin and better contouring.


We combine the 3D-Lipo technologies and tailor a package to your individual shape and size … freezing stubborn fat pockets, cavitation for overall fat reduction, RF to melt the fat pockets that cause dimpled and lumpy skin, vacuum suction for repositioning some of the malleable fat for a more appealing buttock contour. Broken down fat is then deposited naturally through the body, via the lymphatic system. This is super charged and accelerated with Shockwave Therapy as part of your treatment package. 

Body Sculpting Signature Treatments

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